dimanche 27 mars 2011

Prostitution: Has Backpage.com picked up where Craigslist left off? - Examiner.com

Prostitution: Has Backpage.com picked up where Craigslist left off?
The website is known as Backpage.com and their ads would make a Teamster blush. A recent look at Backpage.com's local edition features ads with scantily clad women in very suggestive poses, who sell ?massages.? Hi guys, my name is Angelia? ...

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNG1A_c1kh6yfsvmLFI4HVZrsXalCw&url=http://www.examiner.com/crime-in-norfolk/prostitution-backpage-com-has-picked-up-where-craigslist-left-off

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1 commentaire:

  1. backpage Norfolk

    Backpage Norfolk, Virginia - Backpage was one of the most popular classified sites for escorts and it was used by several escorts and massage parlors for posting ads. It was loved by everyone.

